给Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 那犯人的双手给牢牢捆住了. The prisoner's hands were securely tied
- n. 那警察给我讲了一大顿注意车速的道理之後才让我走. The policeman let me off with a lecture about speeding
- 那醉鬼(从酒馆)给赶了出去. The drunk was thrown out (of the pub).
- v. 那首交响乐曲给糟塌得不成样子. The symphony was dreadfully mangled
- n. 邮件延误给这些公司造成极大不便. The companies were greatly inconvenienced by the postal delays
- vt. 邮寄, 给...穿盔甲 mail
- v. 邮费将退还(给你). Postage costs will be refunded (to you).
- n. 邮递员给你送来了一个包裹. The postman has brought a parcel for you
- n. 邮递员给我送来了一个大包裹. The postman brought me a large package
- 邻居出门时把狗交给我们看管. We've got the neighbours' dog while they're away
- 都市给水 town water supply
- adj. 酌情发放给老年人的补助金. discretionary payments to old people
- vt. 配备员工, 提供人员, 安置职员, 供给人员, 充当职员 staff
- v. 配给,分发,实行定量配给 ration
- n. 配给卡[簿](持有者获配给品供应的凭证). book, ie entitling the holder to a ration
- 配给塔 suit tower