  • adj.  这周围的风景什麽特色.   The scenery around here is a little tame
  • n.  这啤酒喝起来有气[走气]了.   has gone flat
  • v.  这地区简直有工作可找.   There simply aren't any jobs going in this area
  • adj.  这地方多没意思!   What a dead place this is
  • v.  这场灾难过後, 许多人既有食物又有住处.   After the disaster there were many who wanted food and shelter
  • adj.  这场聚会结束时, 玻璃杯连一个完整的也剩下.   After the party, there wasn't a glass left whole
  • n.  这场雨(对比赛)多大影响.   The rain didn't make much difference (to the game).
  • v.  这块牛排你怎麽动啊.   You've hardly touched your steak
  • n.  这女人是个骗子--她根本有行医的资格.   This woman is a fraud she has no medical qualifications at all
  • n.  这学期没有什麽进步.   There has been very little progress this term
  • n.  这家公司有支付债务利息的现款.   The company hasn't enough cash to service its debts
  • adj.  这家医院有像样的设备.   The hospital has no decent equipment
  • n.  这幅画有签名, 不知道是谁画的.   The painting isn't signed so we don't know who it's by
  • adj.  这床垫很硬, 有弹性.   The mattress was hard and unyielding
  • n.  这张支票上没有日期.   There's no date on this cheque
  • v.  这张桌子放平, 有点儿歪.   at a slight tilt