  •   从飞机中解救出来   aircraft extrication
  • v.  从(书等)删除(被认为)不当或令人反感的部分   improper or objectionable parts from (a book, etc)
  • v.  从(如自己的储蓄)取出钱   take money from (eg one's savings)
  • v.  从(房屋等)找出并除掉窃听器   find and remove hidden microphones from (a room, house, etc)
  • v.  从(某数等)减去(某数或量)   away from (another number, etc)
  • v.  从(某物)吸出液体   draw liquid from (sth)
  • v.  从(某物)中溢出   flow over the edges or limits of (sth)
  • n.  从(经验、 失误等)吸取教益   so that one does not repeat them
  • prep.  从(若干)中   from among (a number)
  • n.  仓库的失窃使利润损失了百分之二.   Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent
  • adj.  他一下子就猜了谜底.   He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash
  •   他一度是工党深孚众望的人.   He was once the great white hope of the Labour Party
  • adj.  他一生 中有很多大事.   He's had an eventful life
  • n.  他一生的一大憾事就是膝下犹虚.   One of the many sadnesses in his life was that he never had children
  • v.  他一眼看到灌木丛有手枪的反光.   His eye caught the glint of a revolver among the bushes
  • v.  他一边轻快地走著, 一边用手杖在空旋转.   He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air