| - v. 强迫,强夺,加压力 force
- n. 形成, 组成, 构成, 编成, 冶成, 电赋能, 成型, 成形法, 造型法, 模锻, 冲压, 翻砂 forming
- 彩电用压敏电阻器 pressure sensitive resistor used for colour TV
- 彩花机压杯 pressed tumbler with enamelled decorations
- 往复式增压器 reciprocating type supercharger
- 往复式试压泵 reciprocating pressure test pump
- n. 征服, 镇压, 平息, 克制, 被征服状态 subjugation
- vt. 征服, 镇压, 抑制, 征服, 压服, 使屈服, 使服从, 克制, 抑制 subjugate
- vt. 征税, 课税, 使负重担, 使受压力, (常与with连用)指责, 责备, 对...征税, 指控 tax
- 径向压密系数 coefficient of consolidation for radil flow, Cr
- 径流式压缩机 radial flow compressor
- 径流式涡轮增压机 radial flow turbo-charger
- 循环压缩机 recycle compressor
- 循环压缩机 circulating compressor
- 循环压缩机 circulation compressor
- 循环氢压缩机 circulating hydrogen compressor