  • v.  从胃中吐出的食物等   food, etc from the stomach that has been vomited
  • n.  从自己的工作得到满足   derive satisfaction from one's work
  • n.  从自己的机遇尽量取得利益.   You should never take chances when driving a car. 开车时决不应冒险. take one's `chance profit as much as one can from one's opportunities
  • n.  从虐待囚犯得到的乐趣.   sadism in the treatment of prisoners
  •   从虚无显现; 使在脑显现如画; 想象, 追忆; 念咒招(鬼魂等)   conjure up
  • n.  从衣袋、 枪套等)掏出枪(对付某人)   , ie from a pocket, holster, etc (
  • v.  从观念或记忆清除(某事物)   to be no longer in one's knowledge or memory
  • v.  从视野、 听力范围、 记忆等)逐渐消失, 变得模糊不清   ; become indistinct (
  • vt.  从语法上分析, 解析, 分析, 剖析, 解释词在句的用法   parse
  • n.  从这个角度来看, 画的女子面带微笑.   Seen from this angle the woman in the picture is smiling
  • v.  从这些事实可能推断出两种截然相反的结论.   It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of facts
  • v.  从遇难船或从飞机、 宇宙飞船等上投弃(物品)   from a ship in distress, or from an aeroplane, a spacecraft, etc
  • n.  从银行)取, 提(款)   from a bank account (
  • v.  从镜中偷看某人一眼.   steal a glance at sb in the mirror
  • n.  从长长的两排树木、 建筑物等间望过去的景色   view as seen between long rows of trees, buildings, etc
  • v.  从震惊、 惊讶、 紧张等恢复过来   recover from the shock, surprise, strain, etc