  •   这一章我看到一半才意识到我根本看懂.   Half-way through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in
  • adj.  这两件事之间有什麽联系.   The connection between the two events is remote
  • adj.  这两种学说之间有什麽关联.   There is a distant connection between the two theories
  • n.  这两种计算机价格多大差别.   There's not much difference in price between the two computers
  • adj.  这个办公室里没有人.   The office was quite deserted
  • adj.  这个国家中极其落後的地区, 既有像样的公路也有电力供应   a very backward part of the country, with no proper roads and no electricity
  •   这个地方有好玩儿的(无法消磨空闲时间).   There's nothing to do in this place, ie no means of passing one's leisure time enjoyably
  • n.  这个小镇里有什麽夜生活.   There's not much night-life in this small town
  • v.  这个工作听起来什麽意思, 可是我还是要去试一试.   The job doesn't sound very exciting but I'll give it a whirl
  • adj.  这个月我没有余钱.   I have no spare money this month
  • v.  这个杀人凶手心里再也平静过.   The murderer never recovered his peace of mind
  • n.  这个村子里家家户户都有自来水.   The houses in this village are without water
  • n.  这个水库是引水淹山谷而形成的.   The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley
  • n.  这个有皮的木料得用砂纸磨光.   The bare wood must be sanded down
  • adj.  这个牧师这次探监有什麽有益的贡献.   The minister's visit to the prison was not instructive
  • adj.  这个盒子很粗糙又有衬里.   Thebox was rough and unlined