| - n. 进去要花一英镑(1). to get in
- v. 进口(到英国)的肉 meat imported (into the United Kingdom)
- 连同...一起; 等等; [英方]的确, 确实 and all
- abbr. 连税在内总额29.53英镑. total 29.53 incl tax
- n. 连绵无数英里的沼泽 miles and miles of marsh
- adj. 适合英雄生活的国土 a land fit for heroes to live in
- 透明石英玻璃 vitreous fused silica
- 透明石英玻璃 transparent fused silica glass
- 透明石英玻璃 transparent vitreous silica glass
- v. 速度计指示著每小时95英里. The speedometer was indicating 95 mph
- v. 速度计显示时速达120英里. The speedometer was touching 120 mph
- n. 遵奉者, 英国国教徒, 墨守成规的人 conformist
- n. 那些东西她2英镑买入、 4英镑卖出, 把赚头塞进了腰包. She pays 2 for them, sells them for 4 and pockets the difference
- prep. 那作品可值10000英镑以上. The work will cost 10000plus
- 那套房间月租他要80英镑. He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat
- n. 那客货车沿堤坝向下滑动了(几英尺). down the embankment