| - vt. 记录, 记载, 录制, 录音, 录像, (仪器)显示量度, 标明, 将...录音 record
- 记录纸标尺宽度 chart scale length
- n. 讲道坛, 讲坛, 教士, 牧师, 标枪舌, 飞机驾驶员座位, 操纵台, 控制台, 布道讲词集, (教堂的)讲坛, 布道坛 pulpit
- 许可标准 permissible criteria
- 设备标识寄存系统ACE Equipment Identity Register System ACE (EIRSACE)
- 设标水深 buoying depth
- 设标船 buoyvessel
- 设标船 buoy craft
- 设标船 buoy tender
- 设浮标装置 buoy gear
- 设置用户标识符 setuid
- 设置组标识符 setgid
- 设计符合国际标准 Design to conform to the international standards
- n. 设计者的目标是要使外观与材料的特性两者统一起来. The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture
- n. 评分监督(统一各主考人评分标准者). person who makes sure that the same standards areused by different examiners when marking an examination
- n. 评判的)标准, 尺度 standard by which sth is judged (