| - n. 我们坐在门边有穿堂风经过的地方. We were sitting in a draughty position near the door
- n. 我们寸步不移地(在那地方)站著. We stood riveted (to the spot).
- adj. 我们工资一年要增加?w40英镑, 未扣除所得税. 有什麽了不起! a big fish (in a little pond) an important and influential person (in a small community or restricted situation) (小地方或小范围内的)大人物. a big noise/shot (infml 口) important person 要人. the big stick the threat of using force, esp of great military strength 大棒政策(以实力, 尤指以强大的武力相威胁). the We're getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal!
- adj. 我们已往在这里总能找到个落脚的地方.'`话倒是这麽说, 可我们不一定总那麽运气呀.' We've always found somewhere to stay here before.' `True, but we may not always be so lucky.' `
- 我们已经开具由中国银行你方为受益人关于全额CIF订单编号754总金额17,000美金的信 £17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No 754.
- 我们已经开具由中国银行你方为受益人关于全额CIF订单编号754总金额17,000美金的信用证 We have opened an L/C in your favor through the Bank of China for an amount of £17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No 754.
- n. 我们已经试过了平心静气的说服方法, 下一步怎麽办呢? We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move?
- v. 我们往好的方面想想吧. Let's think positive
- v. 我们很快就离开了那个地方. We got out of there pretty damn fast
- v. 我们必须力求把记帐方法制度化. We must try to systematize the way we do the accounts
- n. 我们抽样调查工人对改变工作方法的看法. changes in working methods
- v. 我们探讨了几种解决该问题的方法. We explored several solutions to the problem
- n. 我们旅行到过很多地方, 我记都记不清. We saw so many places on the tour I can't remember them all
- n. 我们有多少可坐的地方? How much seating room do we have?
- n. 我们正在多方面进行改革. We're making changes in various directions, ie of various types
- adj. 我们没有放桌子的空地方. for a table