| - vt. 给予, 使遭受, 处罚, 加刑, (与on连用), 予以(打击等), 使受(痛苦等), 处以(刑罚), 加(刑)(亦作inflictupon) inflict
- adj. 继工会领袖遭谋杀後引发的示威游行. demonstrations following the murder of the union leader
- adj. 老人遭次等公民待遇. adv The old are treated as ,second-class `citizens, ie not as well as other members of society.
- adj. 舒适的, 安乐的, 令人感到安慰的, 充裕的, 丰富的, 惬意的, [美俚]喝醉了的, 轻松自在的, 令人安慰的, 没遭受痛苦的, 觉得舒服的 comfortable
- vt. 节约, 吝惜, 不用, 省掉, 略而不说, 抽出, 剩下, 出让, 割爱, 放过, 饶恕, 不杀, 饶命, 不伤害, 使某人免遭 spare
- 英国)绿党(以保护郊野、 大气等免遭污染, 免受危害为宗旨的政党). political party whose aims are to protect the countryside, atmosphere, etc from pollution and other dangers (
- vt. 落到…的身上,降临于,遭遇,加于 befall
- 补偿某人的损失、 遭受的不幸或花费的钱财 compensatesb for sth he has missed or suffered or for money he has spent
- v. 被冰冻盖,遭受冰河作用 glaciate
- 被击败, 遭到惨败; 处于劣势; 大吃其苦头 get[have] the worst of sth.
- adj. 被打中的, 被击伤的, 受灾的, 受侵袭的, 受了伤的, 被侵害的, 受...之苦的, 受灾的, 遇难的, 患病的, 受罪的, 愁苦的, 衰老的, 受了创伤的, 被刮得与量器边缘齐平的, 装满的, 受烦恼、忧虑之苦的, 遇到麻烦的, 遭殃的 stricken
- adj. 被抛弃的, 无价值的, 遭难的 castaway
- n. 被抛弃的人, 坐船遇难者, 漂流者, 遭难船, 坐船遇难的人, 光棍, 流浪者, 被抛弃物, 被逐出的人, 坐船遭难的人, 被迫离船而留在陆地的人 castaway
- 被诅咒, 遭天灾 be under a curse
- v. 警方报告说被害儿童没有遭到性侵犯. The police reported that the murdered child had not been interfered with
- 诅咒某人; 叫某人遭天遣 lay sb. under a curse