| - v. 谁说我受贿就是对我恶意中伤. Any suggestion that I accepted bribes would be a monstrous slur
- n. 谁负责出法语试题? the French exam?
- 谁赛跑得第一? Who came first in the race? ie Who won?
- n. 谁赞成这项建议? 请大家举手表决好吗? steal the scene/show =>steal. stop the show =>stop1. Who is in favour of the proposal? Can I have a show of hands, please?
- 谁赢了?'`我赢了.' Who won?' `I did.' `
- adj. 谁跑得最快? Who ran quickest?
- adj. 谁跑得最远? farthest?
- n. 谁那麽讨厌把我的毛巾拿走了. Some so-and-so has pinched my towel
- pron. 谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话. One does not like to have his word doubted
- v. 谁都不理解我,'他埋怨说. Nobody understands me,' he sniffed. `
- 谁都不用害怕能得这种病. =>Usage Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease.
- n. 谁都不肯帮忙, 他感到诧异. He expressed surprise that no one had offered to help
- v. 谁都会很快就喜欢这里的. One soon gets to like it here
- v. 谁都喜欢偶尔让人宠一宠. Everybody enjoys being spoiled from time to time
- 谁都看得出来她跟他套近乎. Everyone can see she's just throwing herself at him
- adj. 谁都知道她不喜欢那个主意. It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea