| - [英]最高法院院长 Lord Chief Justice
- [英]有走廊的客车 corridor carriage
- [英]服兵役, 当兵 wear the king's coat
- [英]服兵役, 当兵 wear the queen's coat
- [英]枢密院 the Privy C-
- [英]检查官 counsel for the crown
- [英]正厅前排 orchestra stalls
- [英]民意调查 mass observation
- [英]水手用的手抹布 brass rags
- [英]海军中尉 a sub-lieutenant
- [英]海军元帅 admiral of the fleet
- [英]海军协会 The Navy League
- [英]海军大臣 First Lord of Admiralty
- [英]海军少尉 an acting sub-lieutenant
- [英]海军部委员会 the Board of Admiralty
- [英]游览名胜 see the lions