  • n.  他们虽只见了一面, 但已是一见如故了.   Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship
  •   他们虽没想到我们要来, 但还是设法匆匆做好一顿丰盛的饭.   Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal
  • conj.  他们虽没有得到官方的支持, 但仍继续奋斗.   Though they lack official support they continue their struggle
  • adj.  他们虽穷, 但很有骨气.   They were poor but proud
  •   他们设下圈套, 他果落入其中.   They set a trap for him and he walked right into it
  • n.  他们部队的凛不可侵犯的气概.   the apparent invincibility of their forces
  • v.  他们预言保守党人在选举中获胜, 果不出所料.   They prophesied correctly that the Conservatives would win the election
  • v.  他低能得无以复加, 而却是出於好心. mean well by sb have kindly intentions towards sb 对某人抱善意mean   He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well.
  • adj.  他依固执己见, 拒不改变决定.   He remained obdurate, refusing to alter his decision
  •   他停下来呷了一口水, 後继续讲(他的事).   He paused to take a sip of water, and then went on (with his story).
  • n.  他停顿了一下後继续讲话.   He paused for a moment, and then continued his speech
  • adj.  他到了18岁仍很不懂事、 很不成熟.   At 18, he's still rather frivolous and needs to grow up
  • n.  他勃然大怒.   He went into a paroxysm of rage, ie became very angry
  • v.  他勃大怒、 暴跳如雷、 妒火中烧等.   He exploded with rage, fury, jealousy, etc
  • n.  他勃大怒使法官不悦.   His rash outburst incurred the displeasure of the judge
  • v.  他发出右转信号, 却突向左转了!   He indicated that he was turning right, but then he turned left