| - v. 以笑消除(不快等) by laughing
- v. 以高热杀菌,消毒 pasteurize
- 企业、 政党等雇用向新闻界发布消息并回答记者问题的)新闻代言人, 新闻发布官. person employed by a business firm, political party, etc to provide information to the press and to answer journalists' questions (
- 企业对消费者电子商务 Business-to-Consumer EC (B2C EC)
- adj. 休养的, 娱乐的, 娱乐性的, 供消遣的 recreational
- 优秀消防战斗员 sparky
- 优质、高产、低消耗 igh in both output and quality, but low in production cost
- 优质消毒洗衣粉 superior disinfectant detergent
- 优质西瓜,消暑解渴 top watermelons, quell summer thirst
- n. 会议十之八九要取消. the meeting will be cancelled
- v. 传播(谣言、消息等)(常为漫不经心地) , often in a thoughtless way
- n. 传染性消耗病,山羊消瘦病 takosis
- n. 传输, 传送, 变速器, 传递, 移转, 传播, 传播之物, 传动装置, 变速器, 联动机件, 发射, 播送, 通话, 通信, 发射, 透射, 传导, 输电, 遗传, 传染, 传动, 播送消息, 动力传送器, 转播 transmission
- adj. 传达, 传达消息的 communicant
- vt. 传达, 传送(消息, 感情等), 传布, 传递, 告知, 传染(疾病), 授圣体给... communicate
- n. 传递消息或重要文件的)信使, 通讯员. messenger carrying news or important papers (