  •   今英国君主的权力多为象徵性的, 无甚实际意义.   The power of the monarchy in Britain today is more symbolical than real
  • n.  今证券交易所交投活跃.   Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday
  •   今日魔法名流   Notable Magical Names of Our Time
  • adj.  从不工作、 专靠向人借钱度的懒家伙.   a shiftless individual who never works and constantly borrows from others
  • n.  从云隙射下的阳光, 镶有钻石的旭形首饰, 入射的阳光, 阳光突现, 旭形装饰或图形, 嵌有宝石的旭形饰针   sunburst
  • prep.  从前他们每星期都来看我.   They used to visit me of a Sunday, ie on Sundays
  • n.  从山上居高远望, 出景象蔚为奇观.   The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle
  •   从出到落; 一天到晚   from sun to sun
  • n.  从星期一到星期六, 这条路一直川流不息, 但是星期没什麽车辆来往.   During the week, the road is very busy but there is very little traffic on Sundays
  • adj.  从星期一至星期五, 共五   from Monday to Friday inclusive
  •   从某月某至下月同一的期间.   period of time from a certain date in one month to the same date in the next one
  • n.  从这里到加来每三次轮船航班.   three sailings a day from here to Calais
  • v.  他不考虑我的意愿就把假的一切都定下来了.   He booked the holiday without regarding my wishes
  • v.  他们一直娇生惯养, 所以现在过不了苦子.   They have been so feather-bedded in the past that they can't cope with hardship now
  • v.  他们为早结束苦难而祈祷.   for their sufferings to end
  • n.  他们为早获释而祈祷.   They prayed for an early deliverance from captivity