| - n. 大惊小怪, 小题大作, 忙乱, 激动, 过分体贴, 吹捧, 爱小题大作的人, 手忙脚乱的人, 埋怨, 异议, 拌嘴, 反对, 无谓纷扰, 焦虑, 麻烦, 多余之事, 大惊小怪的人 fuss
- n. 大鳄鱼, 恒河鳄, 马来鳄, 长吻鳄, 重齿弯嘴鳄, 大鳄鱼 gavial
- adj. 头脑空虚的, 愚蠢多嘴的, 糊涂虫似的, 愚蠢而话又多的 rattlebrained
- n. 头脑空虚的人,愚蠢多嘴的人 rattlebrain
- n. 奶嘴, 奶头, 乳头, 橡皮奶头, 小突起, 凸缘, 突出部, 接头, 轴颈, 枢轴 teat
- n. 她和男朋友吵嘴了. She's had a tiff with her boy-friend
- n. 她嘴角上露著一丝微笑. played round her lips
- n. 她把玻璃杯送到嘴边[用嘴唇触及玻璃杯]. her lips to the glass
- v. 她撅著嘴炫耀她的新口红. She pouted to show off her new lipstick
- v. 她用一只手捂住嘴. She put her hand to her mouth
- adj. 她的嘴唇像樱桃一样红润. Her lips were ripe as cherries, ie full and red like ripe cherries
- v. 她的嘴张开又闭上了, 没有发出声音. Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out
- v. 她舔湿了嘴唇. She moistened her lips with her tongue
- n. 她说话滔滔不绝, 我们都插不上嘴. She talks so much that the rest of us never get a look-in
- v. 她踩著他受伤的脚, 他疼得龇牙咧嘴. He winced as she stood on his injured foot
- adj. 好争吵的,凶悍的,暴躁的,嘴碎的 termagant