adj. 这次的访问与上次大不一样. In US English than is commonly used (not to) 在美式英语中, than使用得较普遍(to则不常见) to last time.
abbr. 这汽车每加仑汽油能走40英里. This car does 40 mpg, ie of petrol
n. 这炮的射程为五英里. The gun has a range of five miles
v. 这种做法在英格兰一些地区仍很流行. The practice still obtains in some areas of England
n. 这种步枪射程达一英里. This rifle ranges over a mile
v. 这种用法在英式英语中不多见. The company's hiring more men next week. 该公司下周要再雇些男工. This use is less common in British English
这种结构在英式英语中多用於除现在式以外的其他时态 Do you have a computer?' `Yes I do.' `你有计算机吗?'`我有.' This construction is common in British English in tenses other than the present
n. 这种裤子30英镑一条. These trousers cost 30 a pair
adj. 这种鸟很少冬季到英国来. This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain
adj. 这要花200英镑上下. It's going to cost 200 or as near as dammit
v. 这趟行程10英镑够用吗? Will 10 suffice for the trip?
这辆汽车, 我给你500英镑.'`说定了!' I'll give you 500 for the car.' `Done!' `
adj. 这辆汽车还能行驶很多英里. This car's good for many more miles
n. 这镇子是英国最寒冷的地方. This town is the coldest place in Britain
n. 这项基金有500英镑. The fund stands at 500, ie there is 500 in it