| - adj. 从应纳税的收入中)可扣除的 that may be deducted from one's taxable earnings (
- v. 从废品中)回收(原料) from waste products (
- 从弃物中挑拣可利用的东西 scavenge
- adj. 从惨痛教训中吸取教益 learn from bitter experience
- v. 从拥挤的人群中穿过. a path through the crowd
- n. 从收入中扣除税金. the deduction of tax from earnings
- 从政府一般收入中拨款支付 charge upon general revenue
- 从数千申请人中挑选出她来做那份工作. She was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job
- v. 从文件中检索地址. retrieve an address from the files
- v. 从旁边听到的谈话中搜集点滴信息 glean a few bits of information from overhearing various conversations
- n. 从昏睡状态中醒来. come out of a trance
- adj. 从望远镜中见到的月亮 a telescopic view of the moon
- vt. 从板条箱中取出, 打开…的包装, 拆箱取出 uncrate
- n. 从枪中射出(子弹) from a gun
- adj. 从某事物中清除罪犯、 有害影响等 He cleaned up a small fortune. 他发了一笔小财. clean sth up remove criminals, harmful influences, etc from sth
- n. 从某事物中获得利益或利润 take advantage of or profit from sth