Chinese English Phrase:
  •   (听其)自发展;按常规进行 (= take their course)   run its course
  • n.  (因恐惧、 吃惊、 痛苦等)突移动、 改换姿势或震动   make a sudden movement or change of position (because of fear, surprise, pain, etc)
  • v.  (因突来到)阻碍某人[某事物]   sth (by arriving suddenly)
  • n.  (土、 泥等的)突崩落   sudden fall of a mass of earth, mud, etc
  • v.  (如变戏法般)使某事物突地或意外地出现   out of sth make sth appear suddenly or unexpectedly, as if by magic
  • n.  (对某事物的)自的欲望   instance of a natural desire for sth
  •   (对某人)突喜爱(常指情爱)   having taken a sudden, often romantic, liking(to sb)
  • vi.  (常与on, upon连用)(猛禽等)突扑过去攫住, upon连用)突袭击, upon连用)抓住   pounce
  • adj.  (常与to连用), 愿意的, 勉强的, 不得不…的, 乐意, 不得不, 只得..., adv.欣, 乐意地   fain
  • v.  (指不愉快的事情)突降临(某人[某事物])   suddenly and unexpectedly
  • adj.  (指人的神情或行为)茫的, 心不在焉的   suggesting unclear thinking or absent-mindedness
  • v.  (指恐惧或憎恶)毛骨悚, 汗毛直竖, 起鸡皮疙瘩.   cause an unpleasant sensation in the skin, as if things are creeping over it
  •   (指激烈事件)突发生   start suddenly
  • n.  (有助於了解某问题等的)小的或偶的启示   minor or casual piece of information that helps one to understand a subject, etc
  • n.  (欣欣)夸大坏的情况   treat an unpleasant situation as if it was worse than it really is (and enjoy doing so)
  • n.  (用以回应别人的提议)当不...   certainly not