| - n. 她带病努力工作, 真是难能可贵! she's a marvel
- n. 她很会变魔术, 能从帽子里变出兔子来. She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat
- n. 她很有可能被选入英国队. She's a good prospect for the British team
- n. 她很有天资, 能成为天下无敌的选手. She has enough talent as a player to be a world-beater
- n. 她很能说. She's a great talker, ie She talks a lot
- v. 她心想他的理由也可能对. She reflected that his argument was probably true
- v. 她想到他可能遇到的情况就十分担心. She trembled to think what might have happened to him
- 她想要什麽就能得到什麽, 堪称一绝. She's a past master at the art of getting what she wants
- adj. 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错. She recognized the potential for error in the method being used
- 她手术後在郊外住上一个星期一定能复原. A week in the country will set her up nicely after her operation
- v. 她把书架塞得不能再满了. She squeezed as many books onto the shelf as she could
- n. 她把狗训练得能表演杂技动作(如用後腿站立). She had trained her dog to do tricks, eg to stand on its hind legs
- adv. 她拼命干以便能到6点时把一切都准备好. She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock
- v. 她於1982年获得冠军, 至今还没有人能把她从宝座上拉下来. She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her
- 她是个很有能力的领导人, 她的同事一向都是这样认为的. She's a competent leader and has always been regarded as such by her colleagues
- adj. 她是唯一能做那事的人. She was the only person able to do it