| - 染色人造棉提花布 dyed spun rayon jacquad
- 染色人造棉直贡缎 dyed spun rayon satin drill
- 染色人造棉麻纱 dyed spun rayon haircord
- 染色仿平绒灯芯绒 dyed velvet-feel corduroy
- n. 染色体, 染色体 chromosome
- 染色体. Cf 参看 X chromosome(X). chromosome that occurs singly and only in male cells, and produces a male after combining with an X chromosome during thereproductive process Y
- 染色体. Cf 参看 Y chromosome (Y). chromosome that occurs as one of an identical pair in female cells to produce a female in the reproductive process, or singly combined with a single Y chromosome in male cells to produce a male X
- 染色体培养试剂盒 Chromosome culture kit
- 染色体工艺学 chromosome technology
- 染色体异常诱发 clastogenesis
- 染色体接合 chromosome pairing
- 染色体接合;关节固定术 syndesis
- 染色体收缩 chromosome contraction
- n. 染色体数目较少, 亚倍性 hypoploidy
- adj. 染色体数目较少的, 亚倍体的 hypoploid
- 染色体斑纹 chromosome mottling