| - 航向浮标 course beacon
- 航标工作船 dan boat
- 航标敷设双体船 catamaran buoy tender
- 航标敷设船 buoy tender
- 航标敷设艇 buoy boat
- 航标管理 Compensation Liability for Damage Caused by the Fault in the Administration of Aids to Navigation
- 航标管理过失致损赔偿责任 Compensation Liability for Damages Caused by the Lose of Aids to Navigation
- 航标费 buoyage and beaconage
- 航标费 buoyage
- 航空激光目标跟踪器 airborne laser target tracker
- 航空红外目标 airborne infrared target
- 航线指示信标 course indicating beacon
- n. 航线标识,波线,满潮水位线 seamark
- 航线灯标 course light
- 航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准 Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route
- n. 航路标志灯船, 灯塔船, 灯标船, lightship