| - 德布罗意方程 de broglie relation
- 心率直方图记录仪 heart rate histogram recorder
- n. 心理、 情绪或神经方面的紧张 mental, emotional or nervous strain; tenseness
- adj. 心理学的方法、 研究. psychological methods, research
- adj. 心胸狭隘的人、 偏狭的态度、 地方事件 a parochial person, attitude, event
- v. 必须具备所需条件方可获发凭证. You must satisfy the required conditions to get your voucher
- 必须办妥某些手续方可移居他国. Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate
- n. 必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定. The powers of the police need to be clearly defined
- n. 快而轻地动(尤指常变换方向) [Ipr] move quickly and lightly, esp often changing direction
- adv. 快速地, 用快递方式地, 乘快车, 以快递方式 express
- v. 快速或猛烈地(向所示之方向)转动或移动(身体的某部分) quickly or violently in the specified direction
- adj. 怀敌意的, 敌对的, 敌方的, 仇敌的, 有敌意的, 不友好的 hostile
- n. 怎样·东方影视 eastmovie
- n. 怒气冲冲地或其势凶猛地向某方向移动或行走 about, around, off, etc move or walk in a very angry or violent manner in the direction specified
- n. 思想、 理论、 原则等的)体系, 体制, 方法, 方式 set of ideas, theories, principles, etc according to which sth is done (
- n. 思想、 生活方式等的)歧异, 差别, 分化现象 disagreement or difference in thought, way of life, etc (