  •   非常忠实, 可靠   (as) true as steel
  • adj.  常恶劣、 紧张、 困难等   Was the judge too severe on the thief? 这个法官对小偷是不是太严厉了? 2 very bad, intense, difficult, etc
  •   非常想...., 极有意....   have a great [good] mind to
  •   非常想…;极有意…   have a good mind to
  • adj.  常愚蠢的, 极笨的, 极蠢的   tomfool
  • adj.  常感激你帮助了我们.   I'm much obliged to you for helping us
  • v.  非常感谢你的帮助.   Your help was greatly appreciated, ie We were grateful for it
  • adj.  非常愤怒、 热情等.   red-hot `anger, enthusiasm, etc
  • adj.  常担心[极其害怕/冻僵]   frozen stiff
  •   非常担忧, 十分焦急地   with great anxiety
  • adj.  非常数的,非恒量的   nonconstant
  • adj.  常时尚的, 时髦的, 熟悉内情的   hip
  •   非常明显, 非常清楚   as plain as Salisbury
  • n.  常棘手或困难的事情   thing that is very severe or difficult to do
  • n.  常正派、 诚实等的人   sb's wounds => rub1. the salt of the `earth very decent, honest, etc person or people
  • v.  非常气愤、 激动等   be very angry, agitated, etc