  • n.  女人的内衣裤是常见的引起性快感的恋物.   Women's underclothes are a common fetish
  •   女子七项全能   heptathlom
  •   女能手, 女专家   past mistress
  • adj.  她一直梦想著与奥利维尔配戏.   She had always dreamed of appearingopposite Olivier
  • v.  她丈夫殷切期望她成功, 给了她很大的压力.   Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed
  • adj.  她不可能如此迟钝.   She cannot possibly be so obtuse
  • n.  她不出席会议, 所以由助手替她.   She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place
  • adj.  她不能行走.   She is unable to walk
  • n.  她个子高, 看到墙的那一边.   She can see over the wall because of her height
  • adj.  她今晚很可给我打电话.   She's very likely to ring me tonight
  • n.  她从一开始就预见到这计画可成功.   She saw the possibilities of the scheme from the beginning
  • v.  她做出歪曲报道好让我显得无.   She slanted the report so that I was made to appear incompetent
  •   她决不能按时完成.   She'll never finish in time
  • n.  她出了这件丢人的事以後还怎麽挽回名誉呢?   How can she salvage her reputation after the scandal?
  • n.  她出事以後只做轻活儿了.   Since her accident she can only do light work
  • n.  她只差一点儿就得到头奖了.   She missed the first prize by a whisker