| - n. 胡乱地)说或写(尤指没完没了地) talk or write, esp at great length, without saying anything very important or sensible (
- n. 胡言乱语, 梦呓, 没有意义的话, 劣酒, 无意义的话 balderdash
- n. 脚本上没有那一段词. That line isn't in the script
- adj. 脚踏实地的, 踏实的, 准没错的, 稳固的, 稳当的, 无差错的 surefooted
- v. 脸发红,淹没,旺盛 flush
- 脸色苍白, 没有血色 pale and wan
- vi. 腐朽, 腐烂, 分解, 风化, 变化, 衰减, 衰退, 退化, 消失, 埋没, 凋谢, 枯萎, 余辉, 电荷减少, 能量损失, 腐败, 使腐烂, 衰微, 衰败 decay
- n. 腓力斯人的风习, 庸人习气, 市侩作风, 庸俗, 无教养, 偏狭, 实利主义, 没有文化修养 philistinism
- v. 自动电唱机没完没了地放送流行乐曲. The jukebox ground out an incessant stream of pop music
- 自取其辱, 自讨没趣 bring contempt upon oneself
- adj. 舒适的, 安乐的, 令人感到安慰的, 充裕的, 丰富的, 惬意的, [美俚]喝醉了的, 轻松自在的, 令人安慰的, 没遭受痛苦的, 觉得舒服的 comfortable
- n. 船在港口附近触礁沉没. The boat foundered on rocks near the harbour
- 船头被淹没, 困难地行驶 bows under
- n. 船身没入水中的满载的油船. =>illus at catamaran, yacht 见catamaran和yacht插图. a fully-loaded tanker with its hull low in the water
- 花圈敬辞(讣文用语); [转]没有同情或悼念的表示 no flowers (by request)
- n. 花如果没有水很快就会枯死. Flowers soon die without water