| - 彩花长方盘 decorated oblong tray
- adj. 影响力、 重要性、 数量等方面)处於上风的, 占优势的 greater in influence, importance, quantity, etc (
- n. 影子内阁的(指在野党若组阁, 有望成为内阁各大臣的人对各自应负责的事务发表言论方面) denoting leading members of the Opposition party who would probably be Cabinet ministers if their party became the Government, and who act as spokesmen on matters for which they would then be responsible
- 彼此不和, 观点分歧, 相互误解; (在实现共同目标时)彼此方法不同 be [get] at cross purposes
- 往最好[最坏]的方面去解释 put the best construction on sth.
- 往最好[最坏]的方面去解释 put the worst construction on sth.
- 往来帐贷方 current account credit
- n. 後来的人都按他制定的方针政策行事. Those who came later followed the policies he had traced out
- v. 得克萨斯州人字字拉长调的说话方式. a broad Texan drawl
- n. 得到补偿或补救的方法 way of obtaining compensation or redress
- 循环训练法(用一系列体育项目锻炼的方法). method of training using a series of different athletic exercises
- 微分方程解算器 differential equation solver
- 微软认证解决方案供应商 microsoft certified solution providers (mcsp)
- 德国工业标准试验方法 DIN test method
- v. 德国队眼看要赢得这场比赛, 而恰在终场前对方把比分扳平. Germany were winning the match until just before the end when the other team equalized, ie scored another goal to make the scores equal
- 德布罗意方程 de broglie equation