| - n. 布料上压的或缝的)褶 pressed or stitched fold made in a piece of cloth (
- 布登压力计 bourdon gauge
- 布锭打包液压机 hydraulic cloth baling press
- 带中间冷却器的增压柴油机 superthermal diesel
- 带压力计的水压机 hydraulic press with manometer
- 带听诊器血压表 hemomanometer with stethoscope
- 带宽压缩 Bandwidth Reduction
- 带有抽头变换器的变压器 transformer with tap changer
- 带有液压泵的压制机 self-contained press
- 带来环境压力的因素 environmental stressor
- 带液压钻架的钻车 hydro-boom jumbo
- 带激光照射装置的高压氧舱 hyperbaric oxygen chamber with laser radiation device
- 带通变压器 band-pass transformer
- 帧扫描变压器 frame scan transformer
- 帧扫描输出变压器 frame output transformer
- 帧振荡变压器 picture oscillating transformer