| - 特小型轴承 extra-small bearing
- adj. 特尔斐之古希腊神谕的. of the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi
- 特尔滕牌手表 Terten
- 特尔牌手表 Tell
- 特尔菲城的神谕,模棱两可的回答 the Delphic oracle
- 特尔达牌手表 Telda
- v. 特工人员发现了一个反对总统的阴谋. Agents have uncovered a plot against the President
- n. 特工部门的邪恶与腐败现象. vice and corruption in the Secret Service
- 特度德系数 townsend coefficient
- 特异基因型 idiotype
- 特异性内照射治疗 specific internal therapy
- 特异行为 bizarre behavior
- n. 特异质, 素质, 素因, 体质, 因素 diathesis
- 特异青霉 Penicllium notatum
- 特弗隆 teflon
- 特弹簧硬冷加工 Extra-spring-hared cold work