| - vt. 弄弯, 使弯曲, 使屈从, 压服, 致力于, 集中思想于, 转向, 使...改变方向, 倾斜, 倾向, 系, 缠结固定 bend
- vt. 弄污, 使有斑点(伤痕等), 留下污迹, 表示, 标志, 留下痕迹, (人身上的)标记, 打分数, 评成绩, 记考勤, 显示出(某种性质), (在比赛中)紧盯住对方球员, 注意, 留心, 为…的特征, 做标记于 mark
- 式样新颖大方 modern and elegant in fashion
- n. 引水的容器, 清水桶, 船内引水的地方, 饮用水桶, 饮水喷头, 谣言, 闲话, 引水的器具, 水桶 scuttlebutt
- n. 引诱人的女子(尤指性方面). woman who tempts, esp sexually
- 强方向射束发射机 link-transmitter
- 强迫争议双方接受和谈; 用武力制止两人争吵 knock their heads together
- 强迫对方对某事[某问题]作出决定或表态 force an issue
- adj. 强迫的方法、 手段、 策略等. coercive methods, measures, tactics, etc
- 当其空闲的时候; 方便时 at one's leisure
- 当时若警方迟一些干预就会发生严重的暴力事件了. If the police had not stepped in when they did there would have been serious violence
- n. 形式的, 形态的, 方式的(与实质相对). relating to mode or manner, in contrast to substance
- 形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局 form an all-directional, multi-layered and wide-ranging opening pattern
- 彩格印花方巾 colour-checked printed face cloth
- 彩格印花方巾 colourful checked face cloth
- 彩色绣花方台布 colour embroidered square tablecloth