  • adj.  康沃尔郡的, 康沃尔人的, (英国)康瓦尔郡的, 康瓦尔郡言的   cornish
  • vi.  延期,休会,换另一个地   adjourn
  • v.  延期,休会,换地方   adjourn
  • n.  建筑物、 城镇等的)地, 位置, 遗址, 地基   place where a building, town, etc was, is, or will be situated (
  •   开64的平方根   extract the square root of 64
  • n.  开一个注射X射线等疗程的处.   prescribe a course of injections, X-ray treatment, etc
  • n.  开关, 转换, 接通或切断…电流, 转动, 电闸, 电键, 变更, 改变, 转辙器, 铁道侧线, 软枝条, 鞭子, 杖条, 鞭子的一击, 假发, 动物尾巴上的毛簇, 斜行壕, 交换看守对球员, 变化, (从树上折下的)枝条, 细棒   switch
  • n.  开动脑筋(试图)找出某事物的答案或解决法   find the answer or solution to sth by thinking hard
  •   开始以某式行动或表现   begin to act or behave in the way specified
  • v.  开始实施计画、 案、 社会改革等   initiate plans, schemes, social reforms, etc
  •   开始搜寻方式   commence search pattern
  • n.  开始进行某事者(尤指以该形容词所描述的式)   person who starts sth (esp in the way specified by the adj)
  • v.  开汽车、 公共汽车或火车要用drive这个词. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse, sail a boat or a ship (whether it sails or has an engine), and fly a plane. 骑自行车或骑马用ride, 驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail, 开飞机用fly. *We steer a car, bicycle or ship when we turn it in a particular direction. 改变汽车、 自行车或船的向用steer. *When travelling as a passenger we ride in a car, bus or train, sail in a ship, and fly in a plane. 作为乘客, 坐汽车、 公共汽车或火车用ride in, 坐船用sail in, 坐飞机用fly in. When talking about means of transport we can use go by (car, boat/ship/sea, plane/air, bicycle, etc) 谈到交通工具, 用go by (car、 boat/ship/sea、 plane/air、 bicycle等)   The person who drives a car, bus or train is the person in control of it.
  • n.  开药方是医生的职责   The prescription of drugs is a doctor's responsibility
  •   开错地方   running wrong
  • n.  异端(尤指宗教面的)   belief or opinion that is contrary to what is generally accepted, esp in religion