| - n. 英里的行程. =>App 4,5 见附录4、 5. Cf 参看 nautical mile (nautical). a 39-mile journey 39
- n. 英里(等於1.6公里) unit of distance equal to 1.6 km
- 英锡洪染料 Inthion dye
- prep. 英镑, 包括邮费及包装费在内 57.50, including postage and packing 57.50
- v. 英镑, 携赃潜逃了. He absconded with£8000 stolen from his employer. 他偷了雇主8000
- n. 英镑, 还有增加的吗?’ 20?' called the auctioneer. 拍卖人喊道榶‘20
- n. 英镑, 马嘶, 闷笑 nicker
- 英镑[美元]集团 the sterling [dollar] bloc
- 英镑保证协议 Sterling Guarantee Agreement
- adj. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的低点. pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar, ie is worth less in exchange for dollars than ever before
- adj. 英镑加上 2.74 英镑取整数为 10 英镑. a square peg in a round hole => square1. Add 2.74 to 7.23 and you get 10.00, in round figures. 7.23
- 英镑区解散后的时期 post-sterling era
- 英镑区(旧时用英镑作准备金的各国). group of countries that formerly kept their reserves in British sterling currency and between which money could easily be transferred
- indef det 英镑够你的全部开销吗? Is 100 enough for all your expenses? 100
- v. 英镑对於穷人是个大数目. to a poor person. 20
- adj. 英镑对美元保持稳定, 但对日元则疲软. The pound remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen