  • n.  书房(尤指家中的).   room, esp in sb's home, used for reading and writing
  • n.  书的索引为读者列出了正文的页数.   The index refers the reader to pages in the text
  • n.  乳酒(亚某些民族用马乳酿制的酒).   drink made from fermented mare's milk by certain Central Asian peoples
  •   乳酸酸中毒   lactic acidosis
  • adj.  乾净利落的击目标、 一击、 一拳等.   a clean hit, stroke, blow, etc
  • n.  争夺世界杯的球队(如足球赛)   teams competing for the World Cup, eg in football
  • n.  争夺日本在电子学领域占据的领先地位   challenging Japan's supremacy in the field of electronics
  • n.  争论各方的对立情况   how opposite sides in a dispute stand in relation to one another
  •   争论错误的一方, 失败的一方   wrong side of the fence
  •   事业发达的青年人; 在交际深得人心的人   wonder boy
  • n.  事情发展中的转折点   turning-point in a course of events
  •   事情正在调查中.   The matter is being gone into
  • n.  事情正在调查中.   The matter is under investigation
  • n.  事故中三人丧生.   in the accident
  • adj.  事故仅五人受伤, 其余皆无恙.   Only `five people were hurt in the accident; the rest were uninjured
  • n.  事故汽车司机丧生, 但两名乘客幸未受伤.   The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both passengers escaped unhurt