| - v. 他要是总这样拚命干下去是吃不消的. Unless he stops driving himself like this he'll have a breakdown
- prep. 他转身走开, 消失在夜幕中. He turned and walked off into the night
- n. 他面无人色(如听到坏消息). All the blood drained from his face, eg on hearing bad news
- 付全薪的消防队 full paid company
- n. 令人不安的消息. disquietingly adv disquieting news
- adj. 令人伤心的消息、 损失、 错误. grievous news, losses, wrongs
- n. 令人吃惊的回答, 听腻了的消息, 怨言, 听够了的话, 惊人的消息, 大量的新闻, 训斥, 责骂, 严厉的斥责 earful
- adj. 令人振奋的消息. n [U] cheering news
- 令人鼓舞的话、 消息、 迹象 encouraging words, news, signs
- 以...消磨(时间等); 以...消遣[解闷] beguile with
- n. 以书面、 口头、 无线电等形式向某人传送的)信息、 消息、 要求等 information, news, request, etc sent to sb in writing, speech, by radio, etc (
- 以园艺、 打高尔夫球、 瑜伽作消遣 take up gardening, golf, yoga
- 以微笑消除; 笑着忘掉 smile away
- 以某事作为爱好或消遣 adopt sth as a hobby or pastime
- adj. 以消极的态度接受不公平的待遇. accept unfair treatment in supine submission
- n. 以电传发出(消息)或与(某人)联系. by telex