| - 人工日用玻璃器皿 man-made household glass ware
- 人造丝轧别丁日常外衫 rayon gabardine casual coat
- n. 人马座, 人马宫, 人马宫时出生的人(11月22日至12月22日), 人马座, 弓射手图形 sagittarius
- n. 仅够存活的日常饮食. a starvation diet, ie barely enough food to keep one alive
- n. 今天是6月23日. Today's date is the 23rd of June
- adv. 今天是我的生日. Today is my birthday
- adj. 今天真是个风和日丽的好天. It's been really glorious today, ie warm and sunny
- 今日华尔街股价下跌. Share prices fell on Wall Street today
- v. 今日发动的攻击严重损害了在该地区谋求和平的努力. Today's attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area
- v. 今日发射宇宙飞船的计画, 因天气恶劣而落空. Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today
- n. 今日法庭宣判三人有罪, 两人无罪. There were three convictions and two acquittals in court today
- 今日牛肉饼停止供应. The steak pie is off today
- v. 今日的经文选自《马可福音》. Today's lesson is taken from the St Mark's Gospel
- n. 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业. Today's gate will be given to charity
- adj. 今日股票交投活跃, 价格看涨. Share prices were buoyant today in active trading
- n. 今日股票价格大幅上升. Heavy gains were recorded on the Stock Exchange today