  • n.  发动机水沿管道抽来.   The engine draws water along the pipe
  • n.  取回, 领回, 不以暴力自己的财产或家人自他人手中取回   recaption
  • v.  受聘房子立即出售的律师.   a lawyer engaged to undertake the sale of the house immediately
  •   变戏法时)(硬币、 纸牌等)藏於手中.   in the hand when performing a conjuring trick (
  • v.  只要有可能, 我尽力帮你.   I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible
  • adj.  叭塌叭塌响的, 懒散的, 邋遢的, 势塌落的, 松懈的, 下垂的, 松软的   floppy
  • n.  可活领子扣在衬衫上的)领扣.   small piece of metal or plastic for fastening a detachable collar to a shirt (
  •   可能的, 即发生的; 注定的   on the cards
  •   可能的, 即发生的; 注定的   in the cards
  • n.  史坦雷·)阿姆斯特朗军.   Armstrong (
  •   史密斯夫人很有教学经验, 她在春天来和我们一道工作.   Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience, will be joining us in the spring
  • v.  史密斯牧师主持婚礼.   The Reverend Mr Smith will officiate at the wedding, ie perform the marriage ceremony
  • n.  司令官, 哥萨克人的酋长, 波兰旧时司令官, 哥萨克兵的官   hetman
  • n.  后援, DOS命令:备份, 文件从一个磁盘复制到另一个磁盘上, 后备者, 支援者, 备份, 支持, 阻塞   backup
  • n.  向阵亡士纪念碑献花圈.   to lay wreaths at the war memorial
  • v.  和27的平均数可三数相加再除以3求得.   The mean of 13, 5 and 27 is found by adding them together and dividing by 3. 13、 5