| - adv. 先付给我50英镑定金, 余款要月底付清. Pay me 50 down and the rest at the end of the month
- adv. 先付给我50英镑定钱. Pay me 50 as a down payment
- n. 先令, 先令2shillings6pence二先令六便士, 美国早期的货币单位, 先令(英国1971年以前的辅币, 等于12便士), 一些国家的本币 shilling
- n. 先令(肯尼亚、 乌干达、 坦桑尼亚的基本货币单位, 等於 100 分). basic unit of money in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania; 100 cents
- n. 先例, 前例 precedent
- adj. 先例的, 有先例的, 预先的 precedential
- n. 先例(尤用於下列示例) existing precedents (used esp in the expressions shown)
- 先兆征 premonitory sign
- 先共析铁泰体 proeutectoid ferrite
- 先冲后淤 cut-and-fill
- n. 先决条件, 前提 precondition
- n. 先决条件, 必须具备的, 先决条件的, 必须具备的事物 prerequisite
- n. 先出王牌、 梅花2等. lead trumps, the two of clubs, etc
- prep. 先别告诉我书的结尾--我还没看完呢. Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet
- n. 先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权, 到离开这所大学再说. Don't take the job now keep your options open until you leave university
- v. 先别认输,'她鼓励道. Don't give in now,' she urged. `