| - adj. 会些法语是非常必要的. A knowledge of French is an absolute essential
- v. 伤口没好, 还有些分泌物. a discharge, ie it is still producing pus
- 估价, 评价(I asked him to set a value on the pictures. 我请他对这些画估个价。) set a value on
- indef det 何不送给她一些花? (Cf 参看 I suggest you give her some flowers.) Why don't you give her some flowers?
- n. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润. The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes
- 你上学时学的都是哪些语言? Which languages did you study at school?
- n. 你不必向我请示可自行做些变动. You don't need my say-so to change things
- v. 你不能为你自己而牵强附会解释这些规章. You can't stretch the rules to suit yourself
- 你为什麽要吃这些药片? Why have you got to take these tablets?
- n. 你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本? What are your set books for English A Level?
- adj. 你们听说他们离婚的事了吗?'`可别跟我们提那些骨肉相残的细节.' details.' `
- 你们这些女孩子, 别说话了! You girls, stop talking
- n. 你作了一些毫无根据的假设. You have made several unjustified presuppositions
- indef det 你做事精神要再集中些. Try and concentrate more on your work
- v. 你再不加些润滑油, 发动机就要卡住了. Your engine will seize up if you don't put some more oil in
- n. 你去过法国哪些地方? Which parts of France have you visited?