  • v.  节约, 节省, 不伤害, 宽恕, 分让, 提供某人   spare
  •   花键进给杠   spline feed rod
  • v.  若不我加薪, 我就不干了.   If I don't get a pay rise I'll quit
  • n.  若你方经销我们的货物, 我方愿予你相当大的优惠作为回报.   If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain
  •   英国政府拨付国君的)私用金.   amount of money given by the British government for the Sovereign's private expenses (
  •   英国)统一基金(政府所设基金, 由税收拨款项, 主要用以支付公债利息).   government fund into which money obtained by taxation is paid, used esp to pay interest on the national debt (
  • v.  英格兰湖区的美景了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇.   The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry
  • v.  药剂师给我配了些药.   some medicine for me
  • n.  获得、 被予、 要求重新审理.   get, be given, demand a rehearing
  • n.  营业员先服装标好价格再摆出来卖.   The assistant priced the garments before putting them on display
  • n.  营养, 滋养, 营养物, 食物, 追肥, 营养的供, 营养学   nutrition
  • vi.  落下, 降落, 脱落, 跌倒, 坍倒, 瓦解, 陷落, 垮台, 下降, 跌落, 减弱, 低落, 下垂, 降临, 倾斜, 流下, 注, 退落, 降低, 向下, 变阴沉, 堕落, 陷入罪恶, 阵亡, 死亡, 生下, 发生, 适逢, 轮, 落, 留传, 射向, 传到, 陷入, 变成, 成为, 漏出, 说出, 属于, 分为, 停止, 被捕, 落网, 掉下, 减少, 变为, 垂下, 战死, 受伤(倒下), 被征服, 失势, 下斜, (脸色)变阴沉, 倒下, 来临, 失守, 下跌   fall
  • adj.  虽然我已他看了照片, 他还是不相信我.   I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me
  •   螺旋给料器   screw charging machine
  •   螺旋料式金刚石钻机   screw-feed diamond drill
  •   螺旋料式金刚石钻机   screw-feed diamond rig