Chinese English Phrase:
  • v.  看你那样子彷佛睡好觉.   You look as if you slept badly
  •   看来我们现在算全完了(我们垮了, 有希望了等).   It looks as though it's all up with us now, ie we're ruined, have no further chances, etc
  • adv.  看来没人愿意帮忙.   There appeared to be nobody willing to help
  • v.  看清没车时再过马路.   Look to see whether the road is clear before you cross
  • adj.  真倒霉, 我又赶上公共汽车!   Oh great, I've missed the bus again
  • adj.  真可惜, 你参加那次会议.   It is unfortunate that you missed the meeting
  • adj.  真奇怪, 没有人来.   Surprisingly, no one came
  •   真怪, 我按了铃, 但人应.   Mysteriously, there was no answer when I rang
  • adv.  真是难以相信, 这样简单的主意竟有人想到过.   Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before
  • vi.  眨眼, 使眼色, 假装看见, 默许, 纵容, 闪烁, 突然终止, 结束, 熄灭, 闭眼, 打信号, 假装不见, 终止   wink
  • vt.  眺望, 俯视, 耸出, 高过..., 检查, 监督, 指导, 照顾, 看漏, 忽略, 放任, 宽容, 用目光迷住, 看得...心慌意乱, 俯瞰, 注意, 漏看, 假装不见, 原谅, 远眺, 注意到   overlook
  • v.  睡在有正式床的地方   sleep somewhere where there is no proper bed
  •   睡着一直什么也听见, 也被唤醒或惊醒   sleep through
  • adv.  瞧, 冬天又到了, 我还找到工作呢.   So now it's winter again and I'm still unemployed
  • adj.  短期的, 未备基金的, 有经费的, 暂时借入的   unfunded
  •   破破烂烂的; 有价值的, 拼凑的   of shreds and patches