  •   乐队行进著鲜艳服装的)女领队.   girl wearing a fancy costume who leads a marching band (
  •   乘员中心面   Centreplane of occupant
  • n.  乘客, 旅客, 行人, 过路人, 不用的船员, 不生产者   passenger
  • v.  乘客在燃烧的飞机窒息死亡.   Passengers suffocated in the burning aircraft
  • n.  乙基, 乙烷基, 四乙铅, 含四乙铅的汽车燃料, (汽油的)防爆剂, 乙荃   ethyl
  • n.  习惯性使用三氯乙醛,三氯乙醛毒症   chloralism
  • n.  乡村供人穿越栅栏、 围墙等的)台阶.   set of steps enabling walkers to get over or through a fence, wall, etc in the country (
  •   乡村俱乐部(会员可在其做户外运动等).   club in the country where members take part in outdoor sports, etc
  • n.  乡村大宅的)藏枪室.   room in a large country house, in which sporting guns are kept (
  • adv.  书在某些名字下面都划了线.   Certain names in the book were underlined throughout
  • n.  书中有些错误.   Errors have slipped into the book
  • n.  书中有几页撕掉了.   Several pages have been torn out of the book
  • n.  书的主人公就是作者的自我写照.   The book's hero is a self-portrait of the author
  • n.  书的印刷文字(以别於插图).   printed text in a book, etc (as opposed to illustrations)
  • n.  书刊选文的)单行本.   separate printed copy of an article that is part of a larger publication (
  • n.  书展中的一个摊位.   one of the stands at a book fair