Chinese English Phrase:
  •   创造进化论(法国柏格森所得的反科学的哲学学说)   creative evolution
  • n.  初上舞台的人, 初社交界的女孩, =debenture, , =debutante, 初次进入社交界的少女, 初进社交界的女孩   deb
  • n.  初叶, 叶芽, 低叶, 芽苞叶, 鳞片   cataphyll
  •   判罚出场   send a player off
  •   利润下降未出所料.   The fall in profits had been expected
  • adj.  别以为她的工作方法简单, 她说话来是很有分量的.   what she has to say is very profound
  • n.  别再让我们著急了, 快告诉我们了什麽事了!   tell us what happened
  • n.  别声了好不好? 我要工作呢.   Can't you put a sock in it? I'm trying to work
  • n.  别心裁的大胆计划、 革新等   a daring plan, innovation, etc
  • adj.  别心裁的计画、 方法、 解决办法等.   an ingenious plan, method, solution, etc
  • v.  别忘了我们今晚出去.   we're going out tonight
  • n.  别打断她的话, 让她把意见说来.   let her have her say
  •   别把我丢了工作一事泄露去, 行吗?   Don't let it out about me losing my job, will you?
  • n.  别把汽车停在那里--有可能夹在里面开不来.   Don't park there you'll probably get jammed in
  • n.  别抢出牌!   Don't play out of turn
  • n.  别看她高大笨拙, 总有一天她会落为美女的.   Despite her gawkiness she was clearly going to be a beautiful woman one day