| - 划分出; 区分 mark off
- n. 划船时)将(桨叶)持平(略出水面而与水面平行) so that it passes flat just above the surface of the water (
- v. 列出,列于表上,记入名单内 list
- vt. 列出,列于表上,记入名单内,装布条 list
- vt. 列出,记载于表上 listed
- 列出一份待研究的职业清单 Make a List of Occupations to Explore
- n. 列出可供选择的项目. Make a list of the various options
- n. 列出房子内各项物品的清单 inventory the contents of a house
- 列性出血热 epidemic hemorrhagic fever
- 列车出发线 train departure line
- n. 列车到达和开出时刻的公告. notices showing arrivals and departures of trains
- adv. 列车每隔一小时开出一趟. Trains leave at hourly intervals
- n. 列车长摇动手中的旗子, 火车随之开出车站. The guard waved his flag and the train left the station
- 刚从..出来的 new from
- n. 刚会飞的幼鸟, 刚学飞的幼鸟, 羽毛初长的雏鸟, 无经验的人, 初出茅庐的人 fledgling
- adj. 刚孵出的, 羽毛未丰的, 矮胖的, 刚出壳的 squab