  • n.  临时解雇, 操作停止, 活动停止期间, 解雇, 关闭, 停工期间, 不参加比赛的期间, 训练的过渡期, 失业期   layoff
  •   为...而自豪; 从...获得乐趣   exult in
  • abbr.  为央情报局工作. Cf 参看 FBI.   working for the CIA
  • n.  为性词, 并不特指某类型的事   Compare event, occurrenceand incident. 试比较event、 occurrence、 incident三词. Occurrence is the most neutral and does not indicate a particular type of happening *occurrence
  •   为了证实这件事的诚意, 为了对上述各项表示诚意(法律, 条约用语)   in faith where of
  • v.  为使某政党在选举取得优势)不公正地将(某地区)划成或分成选区.   for voting in order to give unfair advantages to one party in an election (
  • adj.  为公众的, 公用的, 公共的(尤指由央或地方政府提供的)   provided, esp by central or local government, for the use of people in general
  • n.  为加固或加大衣服而插接於衣服的布块(通常为三角形或菱形).   piece of cloth inserted in a garment to strengthen or enlarge it
  • n.  为加强语气而附於句尾的)附加词语(如That's nice, that is一句的that is)   word or phrase that is added to a sentence to give emphasis, eg that is in That's nice, that is (
  • v.  为排出烹调气味而安装於厨房的电扇.   a fan in the kitchen for expelling cooking smells
  • v.  为时不长的游泳或(在河海)洗澡   quick swim or bathe
  • n.  为某人[某事物]安排的位置或时间(如在一系列广播、 讲座等)   sth, eg in a series of broadcasts, a lecture course, etc
  •   为某人火取栗, 替别人冒险   pull sb.'s chestnuts out of the fire
  •   为某人火取栗, 替别人冒险   pull the chestnuts out of the fire
  • n.  为炼狱的灵魂作的祈祷.   a prayer for the souls in Purgatory
  • v.  为纪念战争的死难者而举行的宗教仪式.   a church service to remember the war dead