| - adj. 指物)设计或装饰新颖奇特的. designed or decorated in an odd but creative manner (
- adj. 指电子装置)固态的, 全晶体管的 using only transistors, ie without valves (
- n. 指示方向的)类似装置 similar device for determining direction (
- n. 指红葡萄酒)由不同年份的葡萄酒混合装瓶使之醇和. blended from different vintages and matured in bottles (
- 指船或飞机)在一航程终点卸货并为下一航程装货 unload at the end of one journey and reload for the next one (
- n. 指船或飞机)在一航程终点卸货并为下一航程装货的作业. process of being unloaded at the end of one journey and reloaded for the next one (
- n. 指船)仅装有压舱物的. carrying only ballast (
- adj. 指设备、 机器等)设有自动保险装置的 designed to compensate automatically for a breakdown or failure (
- adj. 指语言、 手势或装饰)矫揉造作的, 过分修饰的, 过於华丽的 too elaborate or ornate (
- adj. 指谈吐、 举止或装束)非上流社会的 not upper-class (
- n. 指轮船)被加煤, 上煤, 装煤. be loaded with a supply of coal (
- n. 指钟的报时装置)敲出(钟点) by striking (
- adj. 指靴等)装有平头钉的. fitted with hobnails (
- adj. 指风格、 外貌、 衣物等)无装饰的, 简单的, 朴素的 unadorned; simple (
- 按传统方法酿造及储存的)散装麦芽啤酒或普通啤酒. draught ale or beer that is made and stored in the traditional way (
- n. 按打装袋吧. Pack them in dozens