| - n. 寝室, 小卧室, 寝室小卧室, 库内阅览席, 更衣室, 箱, 柜, 操纵台, 小室, 机壳, 密封配电盘, 栅, 控压电池, 游泳池等处的更衣室 cubicle
- 对(某人)施加压力 give another turn of the screw
- 对(某人)施加压力 give sb. another turn of the screw
- vt. 对...增加压力,加压过重 hypercharge
- 对...施加压力, 逼迫 put a screw on
- 对...施加压力; 镇压; 取缔, 禁止 clamp down (on)
- 对...施加压力;与...有关;对...有影响 bear on/upon
- 对...施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠 lean on
- 对…施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠 lean on
- n. 对一压制人民的政体实行经济制裁. apply economic sanctions against a repressive regime
- n. 对叛乱的镇压、 对事实的隐瞒 the suppression of a revolt, the facts
- v. 对安全的考虑压倒一切. Considerations of safety override all other concerns
- 对本地资源的需求压力 pressure of demand on domestic resources
- n. 对某人施加压力以图获得某事物 sb for sth try to obtain sth from sb by putting pressure on him
- n. 对某人施加压力(使之做某事) use force or strong persuasion (to make sb do sth)
- 对称型压缩机 symmetrical compressor