| - n. 挂钩, 挂东西的人, 挂东西的工具或机械, 悬挂物, 绞刑吏, 绞杀者, 钩装笔划, 陡坡上的丛林, 广告牌, 球赛中轻而易举的得分, 钩子, 挂耳, 吊钩, 悬架, 支架, 托架, 吊轴承, 起锭器, 上盘顶板, 刺刀鞘波环, 衣架, 挂衣钩, 绞刑执行者 hanger
- adj. 指乐器)装有弱音器的 fitted with a mute (
- adj. 指人)穿著入时的, 爱穿花哨服装的 wearing stylish or showy clothes (
- n. 指啤酒等)装在有龙头的桶里的, 散装的. in a barrel with a tap; on draught (
- v. 指国家)裁减军备, 裁军, 解除武装 reduce the size of or abolish one's armed forces; give up one's weapons (
- adj. 指女子)上身裸露的, 无上装的 having the breasts and upper part of the body bare (
- adj. 指女装)露乳房的 exposing the breasts (
- adj. 指室内装饰等)仿工业等中的常见式样的. imitating styles more common in industry, etc (
- adj. 指家具)易於拆装的. easy to dismantle and reassemble (
- 指挥驾驶装置 conning arrangement
- 指数实验装置 exponential assembly
- adj. 指服装、 设计图样等)零碎儿太多的, 装饰太多的 too full of detail or decoration (
- adj. 指服装)贴身的, 紧身的. fitting very closely to the body (
- comb form 指机器)有伺服机构的(有控制较大机械装置的动力部件的) having a power unit controlling a larger mechanism (
- adj. 指某人)假装的, 冒充的 pretending or claiming to be what one is not (
- adj. 指演员等)瞬变的(迅速换装或改变相貌而演另一角色) quickly changing his costume or appearance to play another part (