| - 有深浅不同的...色的 in tones of
- 有深色缝的尼龙长袜 nylon stockings with dark seams
- 有特色[特点, 特征, 特性] take on character
- adj. 有特色的, 出众的, 明显不同的, 特别的, 突出的, 特殊的, 独特的, 不一般的, 与众不同的 distinctive
- 有特色的轮船 crack steamer
- v. 有的人看到色情杂志能激发起性欲. Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines
- n. 有红色条纹的白桌布 a white table-cloth with red stripes
- v. 有绿篱和小溪纵横交错分成许多小块的田野景色. a landscape of small fields intersected by hedges and streams
- v. 有绿色和蓝色大花的浴巾. a bath towel splashed with blue and green
- 有色书皮纸 coloured book cover paper
- 有色人(特指黑人), 有黑人血统的人 a person of color
- 有色冶金学 copper metallurgy
- 有色半透明玻璃纸 coloured glassine paper
- 有色卫生纸 coloured tissue paper
- 有色器滤色片 color filter
- 有色干扰 colored noise