  •   指少女)初进社交界   be formally introduced to high society (
  • v.  指工作、 职务)移给某人   be transferred or passed to sb (
  •   指挥移交   command transfer
  • adj.  指木材)斜纹的, 纹理织的.   with the grain running diagonally or across rather than in a straight line (
  • adj.  指男子)阳痿的, 不能性的, 不能达到性高潮的.   unable to have sexual intercourse or reach an orgasm (
  • v.  指线条、 道路等)相, 叉   forming a cross shape (
  •   指美国纽约股票易所   Big Board
  • v.  指货物、 信件等)误送, 误投, 误.   fail to reach the right destination (
  • n.  指货物等)从(船上、 工厂等处)货(不包括运给买主的费用)   excluding cost of delivery to the buyer (
  • adj.  指轮胎)有叉帘布层的. Cf 参看 radial.   having layers of fabric with cords lying crosswise (
  • adj.  指钢琴)琴弦斜向叉的.   with strings in sets crossing each other at an oblique angle (
  • n.  指鸟或兽)(使)配   come together to have sexual intercourse and produce young (
  • v.  按规定货物须在三日内送.   It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days
  • n.  挖掘者, 挖掘器, 挖掘机, 挖斗, 电铲, 地峰、穴峰, 矿工, 澳州人, 扒手, 为金钱而与男人朋友或结婚的女人, 老兄, 朋友, 挖植物根作食物的美国印第安人, 掘地派成员, 为黄牛代购戏票的人, 乐于帮助同伙的嬉皮士, 澳大利亚人, 新西兰人, 掘地兽   digger
  •   挤油交易   Churning
  • n.  挪威海岸线的犬牙错状.   the deep indentations of the Norwegian coastline