| - adj. 有保护色的, 有原隐色的 procryptic
- adj. 有农村或村民特色的 typical of the country or country people
- adj. 有双环的,有双色带的 biannulate
- n. 有名无实的人物、 角色、 独裁者. a cardboard figure, character, dictator
- n. 有喙欧芹叶(用作汤羹和色拉的调料). its leaves used to flavour soups and salads
- n. 有地方色彩, 土话, 方言, 地方风俗, 土音, 乡土观念, 地方主义, 思想闭塞, 心胸狭隘, 地方观念 localism
- 有塞比色管 comparator with cover
- adj. 有多种形态的, 形状不同的, 形形色色的, 有各种形态的 variform
- adj. 有大理石般色彩纹理的 having a pattern of streaks in different colours, resembling marble
- adj. 有年轻女子的色情图片的 containing erotic pictures of young women
- adj. 有异色边的, 边缘明显的, 具冠檐的, 具萼檐的 limbate
- n. 有彩色斑点的大围巾. large handkerchief with coloured spots, usu worn round the neck
- 有机着色剂 organic colour
- n. 有棕色和橙色交织的一块地毯. a carpet in tones of brown and orange
- n. 有棕色或黑色皮肤或毛发的 or black skin or hair
- 有浅色或银白色头发的(女子)(非因年老所致). having hair that is very fair or silvery white (but not white with age)